I-PHAL is a product specifically designed for individuals and groups from premium organizations to enable them to access land, houses or renovate existing property. IPHAL boasts of a very friendly interest rate, loan tenor, and equity contribution. A closer look at the features of this product:

Features and Benefits:

  1. Accessible to staff of premium financial institutions
  2. Equity Contribution can be as low as 20%.
  3. Tenor can be up to 20yrs
  4. Land can be purchased for a tenor not more than 2 years
  5. Easy access to home ownership
  6. Minimal equity contribution
  7. Flexible repayment plan in line with customer’s income
  8. Profitable investment opportunities for customers

Terms and conditions apply.


Interested in applying for mortgage loan. Click below to get started.

Contact us on: 0908 712 1713, 0908 712 1681, 0908 712 1697
Email: info@itmbplc.com

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